Author: Domenico Danesi

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  • “Faith Works By Love”
    This Scripture is found in Galatians 5:6. Actually, this verse can be split into two parts. One, “faith works” (the result of genuine conversion) and two, “by love” (the fruit of genuine conversion). Genuine faith works. Saving faith is active faith. James explains this in his epistle, chapter 2:14-26, and he concludes: “For as the […]
  • The Whole Counsel Of God
    “For I have not held back from announcing to you the whole purpose of God.” (Acts 20:27) This verse states the apostolic ministry of Paul. Note that just prior to this verse he records his motivation, and just after this passage he records a warning. One of the cliché terms in Christendom is the labeling […]
  • Put All Your Faith In God
    In the third chapter of Acts, quite an interesting scene takes place. A lame man is healed by God through Peter and John. What I find interesting about this whole incident is the reaction of the “temple-goers”. Questions: Why were they going to the temple? Who were they supposedly meeting with there? Answers: They were […]
  • Gideon, You, And This Same Jesus
    Gideon is recognized in Hebrews 11:32 as a man of faith. As is true with so many of us, Gideon didn’t consider himself a “super-hero”. In fact, when God called him to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Midianites, he informed the Lord that He made the wrong choice. In Judges 6:15 Gideon […]