The Word at Koinonia
At Koinonia we study the Word of God line-by-line, book-by-book, for the full counsel of God.
News & Events
Click on the event to sign up.

Baptism Testimonies
On January 12 five people of all ages and walks of life publicly declared their faith in the saving power of Jesus Christ and were baptized. Watch their testimonies and be blessed!

Ladies Agape Dinner
Our next Agape Dinner is Thursday, February 27 at 6 pm. Join us as Dawn Patrick shares about how the ancient Jewish wedding traditions parallel the Church’s relationship with Jesus as the Bride of Christ. Click the image above to sign up.

Financial Meeting
On Sunday, February 9, Koinonia presented our 2024 Financial Report. Our finances are strong, by God’s grace, and If you have any ideas about new things we can do to reach more people with the gospel, let a pastor or elder know.