
you knit me together in my mother’s womb …
Koinonia was a founding church member of CompassCare Pregnancy Services, WNY’s trusted source for reproductive healthcare, serving women facing unplanned pregnancies, changing fear into confidence.
Rescue and Revive
Rescue and Revive is a local mission group led by Domenico Danesi, formerly director of Koinonia’s Children’s Ministry until he and his family were called to spread the gospel in Rochester and around the world.

go and make disciples of all nations …

whatever you do for the least of these …
Father’s Heart
Koinonia’s Russ & Anne Loria birthed Rochester’s Mobile Kitchen for Christ in 2007! Their mission is to share the gospel and the love of Christ by meeting physical needs for the homeless and the poor.
India Connection
India Connection is a permanent, indigenous, Christ-centered ministry; a network of Christian fellowships spread across 17 northern Indian states. In the face of poverty and persecution, our pastors proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. By the grace of God, people are hearing the good news and getting saved every day.
International Student Network
ISN connects with international students on local college campuses. There are events hosted, English is tutored, and close friendships are formed in order to share the gospel with students who will potentially go home or elsewhere in the world to continue to share their faith. Contact Linda Gamlen – internationalstudent.network@gmail.com
Erin Chervenak
Erin works with Open Air Campaigners, an evangelistic ministry of preaching the Gospel to lost people and mobilizing the Body of Christ primarily through effective open-air outreach. She works with us and the East Rochester school district to teach VBS and an afterschool Bible club!
Camp Hickory Hill
Camp Hickory Hill exists to glorify God by helping people grow closer to Him and to each other through camp, retreat, and conference experiences.
The Bagley Family
The Bagley family faithfully attended Koinonia with their children until being called to minister to the people of Jordan!
East Rochester Community Resource Center
The first Sunday of every month we hold a donation drive for the local resource center. The center provides services to the residents of East Rochester from rent assistance to food and clothing. We ask our members to consider picking up a few extra items on their weekly grocery shop to bring so we can contribute to the center as part of the community of East Rochester.