Koinonia’s Story
On Sunday December 15th, 1985, what was to become known as Koinonia Fellowship had its first meeting, in of all places, Pudgie’s Pizza on North Goodman Street.
Pudgie’s was closed on Sunday mornings and the owner wanted to use it for the glory of God. Pastor Ray was sent out by Calvary Chapel Finger Lakes to hold a Bible study in the restaurant.
The study was in the book of Galatians, and there were 13 people total in attendance. There was never any intention of starting a church, but God had other plans.
(Click photos to reveal hidden pictures.)

Within a matter of months, the study grew to about 45 people in the dining room area. It was evident that the Lord wanted to plant a church, and that He did.
After out-growing Pudgies the next stop for Koinonia was Congregation Shema Israel on North Winton Road; where we rented space.
God continued to grow the church until it reached around 500 saints, including many children. At that moment we began to seek another home.
God provided the church building at 500 Main Street in East Rochester, New York where we continue to meet unto this day.
It has been an amazing journey in the Lord.
Four men have gone out to start other local churches in Buffalo, Penfield, Irondequoit and Chili. Other men have gone out to start local, para-church ministries like The Father’s Heart and Rescue & Revive.
We have seen overseas ministries planted in India and currently there are saints from Koinonia serving the Lord in Jordan.

Our 4-Fold Philosophy of Ministry
Koinonia Fellowship is a Bible teaching church. We teach through the bible book by book, chapter by chapter, and verse by verse.

Knowing Christ and passionately seeking Him is what eternal life is. Every believer has the assurance that salvation is a free gift from God and is received by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.

Growing in Christ is not done in isolation; it is done within a community of believers who love Christ and one another. We grow by serving one another and by using our gifts and talents to build one another up.

Our desire and passion is to reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ – across the street and around the world. Every believer has been called by God to be a witness of the gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.

We exist as a church to bring glory to God in all that we do. Every believer should be motivated to do all that we do for the glory of God. The only acceptable motives for serving God are His love and for His glory.