August is upon us. The last month of summer to get out and enjoy all the season has to offer. You have probably had some cook outs, picnics, birthday parties to attend, etc. All of these activities are part of summer schedules. Meal planning is important, and if any of you reading this are similar to me you are not chefs. I have been blessed to have a wife that is a great cook, but she also gets tired like any other mother and wife. That’s when it’s time for Chef Dad to step in.
The Bible says to dwell with your wife according to knowledge or understanding (1 Peter 3:7). This means I have to be sensitive to her words, her actions, her mannerisms, what she is saying to me without actually “saying it”. One way husbands can help their wives is by fixing lunch or dinner. You do not need a culinary degree to prepare a meal. One of my famous dishes is known to my children as “The Sampler”. I simply take a bunch of different foods and make them look pretty on a platter. (Presentation is everything!) The children take what they would like to eat. It’s a change of pace for them. It’s not Mom’s gourmet meals, but they actually love it!
Can you boil water? If you can, then mac and cheese is a “go-to” for any dad who wants to help out. Pasta with butter or ravioli with sauce to dip in are some other options. I see the joy it brings my wife when “Chef Dad” willingly steps in and says, “Daddy’s making dinner tonight.” God is not only supernatural (above or beyond the natural), but He is also “super in the natural”. Part of being a good spiritual leader at home is doing practical things. Preparing an occasional meal for your wife and children qualifies. Anybody can pick up a meal at a fast food chain or some groceries for a quick fix. When you take the time to actually prepare the meal with your own hands, it takes on special meaning. Think of when Jesus took the 5 loaves and 2 fishes from the lad in John chapter 6. Jesus used His hands to multiply the food and serve a supernatural meal to 5,000. Now we may not be able to prepare that type of meal, but we can produce a meal with love in it, a meal that can feed your wife and little ones.
Now I’m not able to make the meals that my wife, does but I can be “Chef Dad” when the real chef (my wife) is fatigued or in need. Husbands and fathers, I want to challenge and encourage you to look for ways to serve your wife and family. Do not wait until you are asked out of necessity. You may be surprised by the joy being “Chef Dad” brings to your wife and children.
We are praying for your marriages, children, and families.