Greeter's Ministry
Steve Hakes and Dana Colbert
Care Group
Sue Pazda
Meals Ministry
Kim Ostrowski
Are you a musician? Do you have a good ear? Do you enjoy videography? If you are interested in any way about our music ministry there is likely a place for you! Join our worship teams, our media ministry or our sound ministry. Reach out if you’d like to get more accquainted.
Dylan Ocorr
Nursing Home Ministry
Pastor Tony and Ann Joseph –
Hospitality Group
Every Sunday after services we invite everyone to stay and gather in our Agape Hall to enjoy some breakfast treats and coffee. Our hospitality team puts all of these things together for us.
Ralph Myrthil
The helps group at Koinonia is full of men and women at Koinonia who come to set up, serve and clean up for church events.
They also ocassionally provide food or baked goods for certain events.
Jackie Damico and Lizzy Viola
Facilities Care
If you are handy and would like to volunteer some time to help maintain our building and grounds then the facilities group is for you! Contact the church office to be given a task.
Hannah Rowe