Here are the answers to some of your questions about the reopening of our worship services. If you don’t find the answer you are looking for, please ask the church office at
Will we have “normal” service times?
Yes, we will have services at 8:30 and 10:30 am on Sunday mornings and 7:00 pm on Wednesday evenings. All services will have limited capacity to allow for social distancing. Pre-registration is required; please visit our RSVP page.
Will I have an assigned seat?
Seating is not assigned; however, please wait for an usher to seat you so we can maximize our capacity and allow the most people in the service. If you have special requirements (wheelchair, walker, unable to climb steps, etc.), please inform us in advance so we can accommodate you. Email
Will I need to wear a face covering/mask?
For the protection of everyone, masks are required as you enter and exit the building. Once you are at your seat you can remove your mask. However, masks are required while singing. If you do not have a mask and would like one, please contact us at and we will assist you.
Will we have bulletins?
Bulletins will not be used at this time. The best way to stay informed on announcements is through our church-wide emails. If you are not receiving these, please call the church and we will add you to the list.
Will there be nursery or Children’s Ministry?
At this time, we will not offer nursery childcare or children’s programming during services. However, the Nursing Mother’s room is available for moms to feed and care for infants. Our Children’s Ministry teachers are creating video lessons that are available each week.
Is hand sanitizer available?
Yes, hand sanitizer dispensers are available.
Will there be coffee/water?
No, at this time we will not be offering coffee or water fountains to avoid people touching the same surfaces. We encourage you to bring your own drink if you like.
Will I have to open doors to get into the building?
Please enter through the parking lot door, where volunteers wearing face coverings will open the door for you.
Will bathroom usage be different?
Bathroom doors and stall door handles will be wiped down after every service. We ask that you maintain social distancing as you enter, exit, and use the bathrooms.
Will I have to have my temperature taken before I enter the building?
No. But, if you or any member of your household has had any known exposure to Covid-19 in the past three days or experienced fever, sore throat, dry cough or shortness of breath, please stay home.
Will the online services continue?
Our services will continue to be live streamed on this website and on our Facebook page, as well as on ROKU and Apple TV.
Will I be able to sit in the Sanctuary with my children?
Yes. You and your family can all sit together regardless of age.
Are groups or ministries meeting at church?
The following groups and ministries are meeting at church: Ladies Prayer on 1st and 3rd Mondays at noon, BAMM on Tuesday mornings at 6:00 am, Prayer at 7:00 Tuesday night, Accelerate Youth Group on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm, and the monthly India Meeting and Overnight Prayer.
What if I am considered at-risk?
We encourage those who are more vulnerable or at-risk to continue participating in our livestream worship service.
What happens if someone tests positive for COVID-19 who attended a worship service?
Anyone who tests positive for Covid-19 and has attended a worship service at Koinonia Fellowship should notify us immediately at or calling (585) 385-0450. We will notify the entire church that someone who attended that service has tested positive. The highest level of privacy will be maintained; no individual names will be publicized or made known to anyone.
If you have a question that was not answered here, please submit your questions at or call (585) 385-0450.