Entering Into His Courts

Entering Into His Courts

By Dylan Ocorr Every 5th Wednesday at Koinonia we come together for a night dedicated to singing praise to God. We are excited to prepare for our upcoming Worship Night on January 29! In the process of planning for this evening, I was reminded of a sermon that I gave...
Bonhoeffer – The Cost of Discipleship

Bonhoeffer – The Cost of Discipleship

“On a completely unrelated note, does anyone know if I could go get cheesecake as my movie snack and bring it with me or is that frowned upon?” A flurry of excited messages followed in the groupchat full of random 20-somethings; some college students, a...
2 Peter Series

2 Peter Series

At Koinonia we go through the Bible verse-by-verse, precept-by-precept. Right now we are reading through the book of 2 Peter every Sunday at 8:30 and 10:30am. Join us as we study how Peter exhorts believers to beware of false doctrines and to be pure in faith by...
Christmas Brunch

Christmas Brunch

Koinonia’s annual Women’s Christmas Brunch is always one of the most anticipated occasions of the holiday season, and this year’s event on Saturday, December 7 was no exception. Director of the Women’s Ministries Linda Gamlen welcomed 112 women to...