The Word at Koinonia
At Koinonia we study the Word of God line-by-line, book-by-book, for the full counsel of God.
News & Events
Click on the pictures below to learn more or sign up.

Fellowship, Food and the Word
Nearly 70 guys of every age and demographic gathered in the Agape hall for the first men’s meal of the year. We learned that Biblical manhood might not be easy, but it certainly is no secret! Oh, and neither is sausage making.

Week of Prayer
Koinonia Fellowship invites you to join us for our week of Corporate Prayer March 17-21. Click this link to watch members of our Koinonia family share testimonies of what prayer, and especially corporate prayer, has meant in their lives.

Koinonia Fellowship VBS
We Need Your Help! As we prepare for our 1-day, all-day Vacation Bible School this summer, we are looking for volunteers who are passionate about sharing God’s love with kids. Next Volunteer Meeting is Thursday, April 3 at 6:00 PM.