This prayer wall is intended for attendees of Koinonia Fellowship in East Rochester, NY only.

Enter your prayer request below or email All requests are reviewed and may be edited before posting. You can also call the church office at (585) 385-0450 Mon-Fri 9-3 if you would like to speak with someone.

This prayer wall is for attendees of Koinonia Fellowship only. If you do not attend please refrain from submitting a prayer request and instead talk to the leadership in your local church. Once your prayer request is received, we will screen it and post as we see is appropriate. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

John P.

Please pray for Rachel Gaesser, who is at Highland ER (Sunday). She has been ill all week, but now dehydrated. We pray for a hedge of protection around Rachel, Rona and Jim from all other illness, as well. Asking for our Lord's comfort and peace.

Received: January 3, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


UPDATE on Isla McAlpin (from CaringBridge 1/2): We are currently waiting on a room and being admitted. Isla threw a fever this afternoon, which is a medical emergency for oncology patients. The ER drew labs and cultures. We’re being admitted because her ANC is less than 10, considered too risky to head back home. Pray with us specifically:

-supernatural protection over Isla with any germs she’s encountered in the ER

-that her cultures are clear of any growth

-wisdom for the medical team

-that this is a quick stay and her numbers start rebounding soon

Received: January 3, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


"Laura" is a married mother of two teenagers who hadn't been planning on having more children and has an abortion scheduled for next week. Aside from the unexpected lifestyle change a baby would bring, Laura worries her back problems would make pregnancy difficult for her. Her ultrasound didn't confirm viability and her nurse encouraged her to delay any decision until viability is determined. Laura said she would consider returning for another appointment but did not schedule one. She said she is a Christian, which makes the decision "very hard" for her. Pray Laura responds to the conviction of the Holy Spirit by saying "no" to abortion. Pray she has the courage to continue her pregnancy. ------- "Mae" just finished her college degree and is pursuing her career. She came to CompassCare with the father of her baby hoping to get an abortion. At check-in, she signed a consent saying she understood CompassCare does not provide or refer for abortions. She decided to stay for an appointment.

Her pregnancy was too early to confirm, so she agreed to return in a week for another ultrasound. When asked how she feels about abortion, she said, "I feel perfectly fine about it. My sister is a single mom of a two-year-old. She is a sweet baby, but I don't want that life." She went on to say she loves kids and wants to be a mom someday, but not right now. She went on to say, "I'm really glad I live in a state where abortion is accessible." During the gospel presentation, she said she isn't sure if God exists. If He does, she said, "He allows a lot of horrible things to happen and people who claim to know Him do terrible things." When asked if she believes things happen for a reason, she said no. Her nurse admitted people often misrepresent God's nature and was able to share about God's goodness and Jesus' love displayed on the cross. Pray for Mae, who plans to keep her pregnancy a secret from her family. Pray God works to heal her heart and mind and she sees the value in her child's life. ------- "Caley" had originally planned on continuing her pregnancy and raising her child. She went to several prenatal appointments and had an ultrasound. However, she started considering abortion as her pregnancy progressed. Because she lives with a family member and doesn't have her own place, she feels her situation is not ideal for raising a child. The father of the baby wants Caley to continue the pregnancy, but she broke up with him. Her parents are grieved by her thoughts about abortion and have offered to raise the child for her. When Caley heard her child's heartbeat, she paused to reflect. Her nurse shared the gospel with her, but she was not ready to surrender her life to Christ.

Caley plans to return for another appointment. Pray she bonds with her child and values his or her life as much as her own. ------- "Landra" came to CompassCare for pregnancy confirmation. She says her life is hectic as she parents and provides for her teenager as a single mother. She doubts she has the time or strength to "start over" with a baby. Her abortion is scheduled for the first week in January. Landra has a history of abortions and said she feels "very settled" about getting another one. Her nurse was not able to confirm viability due to the early stage of the pregnancy. Landra did take her ultrasound picture, but seemed unmoved in her determination to get an abortion. She plans to return for another appointment. When her nurse shared the gospel with her, Landra said she has had faith in the past but is not "living it" right now. Pray for the Holy Spirit to convict and guide Landra in the coming weeks and her baby's life is spared from abortion. ------- UPDATE: "Danielle" came to her return appointment and told her nurse she feels more settled and is growing "attached to it," referring to her baby. The father of the baby continues to pressure her to get an abortion. She does have an appointment at Planned Parenthood in the beginning of January, but says she is unsure what she wants to do. Danielle's nurse gave her guidance on helpful exercises to try in a decision-making process. Danielle believes in a higher power but has not yet surrendered her life to Christ. Her nurse encouraged her to turn to God for direction. Pray Danielle encounters Christ in a transformative way and fully resolves to protect the life of her child.

Received: January 2, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


UPDATE on Isla McAlpin (from CaringBridge 12/28): Isla is doing well. Her counts are starting to taper off a bit, but we don’t expect to see the complete impact of this round until this weekend as her counts “bottom out.” We are planning to be discharged tomorrow, and will likely be in clinic to check counts Thursday or Friday. Her next round is scheduled to begin sometime between 1/7-1/12 (her birthday!).

Pray with us specifically:

-counts bottom out and start improving quickly

-that we can be reunited with Liam this break

-that Isla’s body recovers well from this round, but also that it was effective in continuing to keep the leukemia away

-no fevers, virus or infection between rounds

-that any complications would occur during business hours so we can enter through the clinic versus the ER

-continuing to pray for no bleeding

Received: January 2, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.

Caring Choices Pregnancy Help Center

Please pray for the following:

"T" - Prayers for confidence with her parenting skills and discernment on who to listen to for advice on parenting;

"L" is struggling with not feeling well with this pregnancy and doesn’t want to miss out on time with her daughter from not feeling well. Please pray for wellness and a healthy pregnancy;

"S" - Pray that the father of her baby would come alongside her and support her desire to choose life for his baby. She wants this baby but he doesn’t;

"Z" is very fearful of telling her mother about pregnancy and that she won’t have a place to live. Prayers for resolve as she faces this difficult conversation ahead of her. Father of baby is very supportive!

"A" is a single mom, working full-time and raising 3 children. She knows Jesus and asked for prayers for strength.

Received: December 26, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


"Mona" came to CompassCare the day after she found out she is pregnant with her third child. She and her husband decided they only wanted two children, so she is looking into getting an abortion. She had complications with her previous pregnancies and is worried another child would negatively impact her job. "If it wasn't for my career and I didn't have difficult pregnancies, I would feel differently," she said. Mona watched quietly as her nurse performed the ultrasound exam. She closed her eyes and listened to the heartbeat of her six-week-old baby. When asked how she was feeling, she said, "Ok, I was just hoping the pregnancy wasn't viable." She took the ultrasound pictures but didn't want to schedule another appointment. Please pray that Mona would take some time to consider her decision. Pray that she would examine her true feelings about abortion and her maternal instincts would protect the life of this child.

Received: December 26, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


UPDATE on Isla McAlpin (from CaringBridge 12/24): We’re two days into our 6 day round of chemo. These medicines are big—the kind I can’t think too deeply about without completely losing my composure. But Isla is doing well. She’s taking them like a champ—even if this is the easy part. We know most side effects take 7-10 days to develop, but we’re praising God for every second of laughing, joy, questioning, and tantrums. As we walk through the rest of this round, Isla will undergo two more spinal chemos (she had one today as well) and 10 more IV chemos (she’s already had 5 this round).

We’re praying specifically:

-for protection over her good cells, that they would be supernaturally saved from chemical attack

-minimal side effect from the high dose yesterday (no mouth sores)

-quick ANC recovery as it starts to fall post treatment

-comfort for our family as we spend these holidays apart—we miss our boy terribly… Thanksgiving, Christmas, my birthday, Isla’s birthday… we miss him. Thank you friends.

Received: December 26, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


Please pray for the Lord's comfort and grace for my niece and her family, as her elder son (27 years old) was found dead a few days ago (apparent suicide). He had professed to being a Christian, but his lifestyle led family members to question his spiritual condition.

Received: December 22, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Pastor Tony

Please pray for Roseann Barstow, who has bronchitis, is weak, and on several medication. Pray for improved breathing and healing and peace. ------- A sister in Christ had a recent breast imaging exam and the radiologist found an unusual shadow on the mammogram. A repeat study is planned in four months. Pray for a good report and for the Lord's grace and peace over her.

Received: December 22, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


UPDATE on Isla McAlpin (CaringBridge 12/21): Huge God win today! We’ve been praying for Isla to meet counts to be able to begin round three of chemo this week. It’s important in her aggressive protocol to move quickly through rounds, but her body has to recover first! Yesterday we came in to clinic for counts and she was right on the edge. Her ANC was fantastic (over 6000) but her platelets were borderline at 58k. They sent us home to be rechecked today, just to be sure before starting her on her first chemo (day -2 of round three, technically pre-round chemo). Today, her platelets are at 90k!!! That’s HUGE. A jump like that is unheard of for her. We are in constant awe of our Creator and how He cares for us. In all things giving thanks.

We have started her day -2 chemo in clinic and will be admitted Thursday to officially begin round three!

We ask you to pray with us specifically:

-strength for her body as she endures another rough week of medication (numerous doses are considered “lethal” and we ask for supernatural protection over her good cells)

-rest tonight and tomorrow

-wisdom for her oncologist and anesthesiologists as she goes under anesthesia every other day during this round

-continued favor that ministers to our medical team

Isla’s journey has been nothing short of a miracle - from finding the cancer almost immediately at onset to all of the wins (big and small) we’ve shared over the past 30 days. “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)

Received: December 21, 2021

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This prayer wall is for attendees of Koinonia Fellowship only. If you do not attend please refrain from submitting a prayer request and instead talk to the leadership in your local church. Once your prayer request is received, we will screen it and post as we see is appropriate. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!