This prayer wall is intended for attendees of Koinonia Fellowship in East Rochester, NY only.

Enter your prayer request below or email All requests are reviewed and may be edited before posting. You can also call the church office at (585) 385-0450 Mon-Fri 9-3 if you would like to speak with someone.

This prayer wall is for attendees of Koinonia Fellowship only. If you do not attend please refrain from submitting a prayer request and instead talk to the leadership in your local church. Once your prayer request is received, we will screen it and post as we see is appropriate. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Lynn M.

PRAISE REPORT: I had good flights, clear weather, and arrived safely in Alaska last night. The temperature was above freezing! PTL!

UPDATE on Kevin: He was feeling better for a couple days and was able to do some activities again, including going to an appt with his Primary Care MD yesterday. His blood levels still aren't good, and the activity effected him so that he's back on bed rest for a couple days again. Thank you for praying for us!

Received: March 8, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


Desiree came in after no-showing for her return appointment from two months ago. She is now well into her second trimester. She sat down and said that she is still undecided about her pregnancy but wants to see how her baby is doing. Her nurse did an ultrasound and it showed a very active and healthy 18 week old baby. Desiree didn't show any emotion when seeing her baby on the screen but did share that she just doesn't know if she can handle another child. Her nurse suggested a connection with a woman from a MotherCare team, which Desiree accepted. Before she left she stated that she may decide to continue because she is so far along. Please pray for Desiree, that she will decide to continue her pregnancy. Pray that she and the MotherCare member will connect. Pray that the Lord would open her eyes to her need for Him. . . . . . Please continue to pray for Kara. She is struggling with a deep sense of guilt from her previous abortion. She has decided to keep her baby and her family is very supportive. But Kara doesn't know if the father of the baby wants her to carry to term. She feels that God has given her a second chance with this pregnancy. Please pray that she would connect with people at her church and receive God's forgiveness and healing for her previous abortion. Pray that she would seek God's direction for her life. Pray that she will return and stand by her decision to continue her pregnancy.

Received: March 8, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


Dwayne's best friend Chris took a very bad fall today (3/7)- apparently from about 2 stories up onto asphalt. He was found unconscious and was taken to the ER. We're about to go there. Please pray for healing and most importantly salvation and for God to be glorified through this.

Received: March 7, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Rosanne M.

Update on Valerie: When the doctor's opened Valerie for the liver transplant they found more cancer outside of the liver and could not do the liver transplant. Please keep Valerie in prayer and for wisdom for the doctors as they determine the next steps in her health care.

Received: March 7, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

steve hakes

Mahki Update:

I just spoke with Amy. She and Chris would appreciate your prayers for the following:

1. LPN Nurses-- Mon-Tues -Wed days and Sun and Mon night shifts. They have asked for reliable, honest, caring people to watch Mahki at home. They have had problems finding the right people to care well for him while they sleep and work. This impacts their sleep, and work hours when someone does not show up. Surround them Lord with Christian and loving LPN's!!

2. Mahki:

- Continued brain cell growth. Astound the doctors and family, Lord

- He had some "insides" coming out of this G-Tube the past couple days.

- His head to hold up and to be able to pass toys back and forth with his hand. He is enjoying music therapy and general PT

- Gain weight.

Please also pray in general for their peace in the midst of the stress that comes from many directions. Their marriage to be strong and communicative, financial challenges, be able to sleep sweetly together as a family.

That He Himself would continue to encourage and lavish great love upon this family in practical ways.

There is nothing to great for God. Thanks.

Received: March 7, 2019


"Yasmine" came to CompassCare because she doesn't feel there's anyway she can have a baby at this time. She has three grown children, is trying to finish her degree, is unemployed, and is thinking of ending her relationship with the father of the baby. Her previous pregnancies were medically difficult with significant health problems. Yasmine said her doctor told her not to get pregnant again. She told her nurse that she has a relationship with the Lord and knows He values the life growing inside her. She says she has prayed about this and will take a week to think about her decision some more. Please pray for Yasmine. Pray that she is convicted of her need to protect her baby's life. Pray that she returns next week.

Received: March 6, 2019

Deb B.

UPDATE on father-in-law: He passed away during the night, but not before he repented and gave his life to the Lord! Praise God!! Please pray for the Lord's comfort for the family, especially for his daughter, who is unsaved and taking this very hard. Thank you so much for your prayers!

Received: March 6, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


I am going through a very depressed time. It’s affecting my health. I need prayers for my children that they find love. This is a mother’s prayer for her children.

Received: March 6, 2019

Rosanne M.

UPDATE ON VALERIE: Her and Matt's surgeries have been moved to Thursday. Her doctor has to do a liver transplant on a baby. Please keep this baby in your prayers too. Thank you.

Received: March 6, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Jeremy K

My father is getting a knee replacement early in the morning on 3/6. Any prayers are appreciated! Thank you! God bless!

Received: March 5, 2019

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This prayer wall is for attendees of Koinonia Fellowship only. If you do not attend please refrain from submitting a prayer request and instead talk to the leadership in your local church. Once your prayer request is received, we will screen it and post as we see is appropriate. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!