This prayer wall is intended for attendees of Koinonia Fellowship in East Rochester, NY only.

Enter your prayer request below or email All requests are reviewed and may be edited before posting. You can also call the church office at (585) 385-0450 Mon-Fri 9-3 if you would like to speak with someone.

This prayer wall is for attendees of Koinonia Fellowship only. If you do not attend please refrain from submitting a prayer request and instead talk to the leadership in your local church. Once your prayer request is received, we will screen it and post as we see is appropriate. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Camilla had contacted her OB/GYN for pregnancy confirmation but was having trouble getting an appointment so she scheduled at CompassCare instead. She shared with her nurse that she thinks abortion is her best option, mostly due to her job. Camilla admitted that she does have wonderful family support if she was to carry to term. Her boyfriend came along for the ultrasound and asked the nurse lots of questions, remarking that he just doesn't know how he feels about Camilla's pregnancy. Her ultrasound revealed a really early pregnancy and so she was encouraged to return next week. When her nurse shared with her the importance of taking time to make her decision, Camilla started crying. She expressed surprise that she was crying because she thought this would be an easy decision. She is a believer and is embarrassed by her situation. Her nurse encouraged to connect with a close friend at church and Camilla allowed her to pray before she left. Please pray for Camilla this weekend. Pray that she is convinced of her need to protect her baby's life. Pray that she would cry out to God for guidance and help. -------Vickie returned for her appointment this week and told her nurse that she followed through with an abortion late last week. Vickie shared with her nurse that she feels fine but believes she will likely need counseling in the future. She remarked that she would pray to God for forgiveness. Please pray that Vickie truly would cry out to God for mercy and forgiveness. Pray that this heartbreaking choice would cause her to repent and turn to the only One who can fully heal and forgive.

Received: September 8, 2019

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Prayed for 2 times.

Thomas Charles Schaefer

Praise the Lord Jesus! My mom brought my dad home from the hospital Thurs. 05 Sep 2019, and he is resting comfortably! His only restriction right now is that he cannot drive for the next two weeks after which he has a follow up appointment. Thank You to all who prayed for my dad! I exhort everyone to keep praying! There are many more who need the healing touch of our Lord Jesus! They need physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing that come from Him! Thank You, and may the Lord Jesus bless you all!

Received: September 6, 2019

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Prayed for 3 times.


"Emily" is a mother of three who just found out she is pregnant. She is considering abortion because the father of the baby doesn't want any kids, though she wouldn't mind having another one. Emily's pregnancy is too early to detect a heartbeat and so she agreed to return next week for another visit. She was encouraged to bring the father and to discuss her situation with her mom and sister. Please pray that the father would come with her to her next appointment and support her in continuing this pregnancy. Pray that she would have the courage to protect this little life. -------- "Darlene" came to CompassCare looking for help. She has two children at home and recently lost a baby to miscarriage. Her boyfriend doesn't want children and is pressuring her to abort. Darlene told her nurse that she doesn't believe in abortion and feels she is being coerced to do something she doesn't want to do. After seeing her nine-week-old baby on the ultrasound she remarked, "I didn't know I was that far along!" Her boyfriend sat and stared at the screen but only said he's not ready to be a father. Darlene said she is a Christian but has felt disconnected from God after her baby's death. Please pray that Darlene would find peace in the midst of her turmoil. Pray that her situation would cause her to run to God with her pain and grief for healing and hope.

Received: September 6, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Please pray that my son will feel the presence of Jesus as he deals with many trials at work and at home, and that he will experience the peace that surpasses understanding and know that God cares and is hearing his prayers.

Received: September 5, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


Please pray for the Lord's comfort, provision, mercy and grace for the victims of hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas, and for His mercy and protection for those in the Carolinas still in the hurricane's path. Pray for Samaritan's Purse and other relief agencies responding to this still unfolding disaster.

Received: September 5, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


I need prayers for Court on Sept.12 that God guides me in the right words

Received: September 5, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Paul R.

Please keep my uncle in prayer for healing & recovery from medical complications. He knows Jesus. Thank you.

Received: September 5, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


"Morgan" is planning to abort because she has "too much going on right now." She has a young child at home, is working full-time, and going to school. Morgan has had multiple abortions, which she told her nurse she deeply regrets. No heartbeat was detected during the ultrasound so she was encouraged to wait a week and come back for another one. Morgan agreed and said she would come in prior to her abortion appointment. Please pray that God would soften Morgan's heart toward her preborn child. Pray for strength and courage. Pray that she would return next week and reconsider her decision.

Received: September 4, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Pastor Tony

UPDATE/PRAISE REPORT on John Pupparo: John was discharged from RGH on Monday 9/2 and is now recovering at home. He asked for prayer for his “recovery process” that is extensive, as he follows his physician orders/follow-ups. He has made arrangements for a “health Care Nurse/Aid” to come to his home and advise/evaluate him on a regular basis. John is grateful to everyone who visits and for the prayers/calls of encouragement. He said that he is touched by so many friends the Lord has brought his way.

Received: September 4, 2019

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Pastor Tony

UPDATE on Jerry: Dawn Patrick's father is having some better days lately in terms of pain relief. He recently had a stent catheter placement procedure done in preparation for his chemo treatments. The family continues to be supportive & hopeful. Dawn & Steve know that the body at Koinonia is concerned and praying.

Received: September 4, 2019

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This prayer wall is for attendees of Koinonia Fellowship only. If you do not attend please refrain from submitting a prayer request and instead talk to the leadership in your local church. Once your prayer request is received, we will screen it and post as we see is appropriate. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!