This prayer wall is intended for attendees of Koinonia Fellowship in East Rochester, NY only.

Enter your prayer request below or email All requests are reviewed and may be edited before posting. You can also call the church office at (585) 385-0450 Mon-Fri 9-3 if you would like to speak with someone.

This prayer wall is for attendees of Koinonia Fellowship only. If you do not attend please refrain from submitting a prayer request and instead talk to the leadership in your local church. Once your prayer request is received, we will screen it and post as we see is appropriate. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

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Prayed for 3 times.


"Carmen" is a graduate student who is working full time and raising a toddler and infant. She and the father of the baby have agreed abortion is the best choice to make because raising another child right now would be too much to handle. Carmen did not have any observable reaction to seeing her baby on ultrasound. She said she had already called Planned Parenthood and was told their abortion services are overbooked at the moment and she would need to wait longer than she expected to get in. She declined to surrender her life to Christ when the gospel was presented. Please pray for Carmen and the father of the baby to be awakened to God's purpose for this child's life and their own. --------- "Serena" is a married woman with a career and several children. "I'm too old to have another baby. Besides, my husband doesn't want another one," she told her nurse. She said she plans to get an abortion. Her pregnancy was unconfirmed, likely due to its early stage. "Well, I guess I have time," she said. She began to cry when she spoke of an abortion she had in the past. She expressed worry that another abortion would take a toll on her mentally and emotionally. She ended the appointment early and declined making a follow-up appointment. Please pray for Serena to have peace about this pregnancy and for God to send messengers of the gospel into her life.

Received: January 6, 2021

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Kathy T.

Please pray for my Mom (Mary), who has been hospitalized since Christmas. Please pray we can get her into a Nursing Home where she can receive the therapy she needs, and for the Lord to protect her from Covid and strengthen her so she can return home. Thank you!

Received: January 6, 2021

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Jack D Slocum

Please pray for healing for my heart. I've had 2 cardiac ablations over the past 5 years, and last night I had my first A-fib attack since the last ablation about 2 years ago. It always leaves me quite weak. Thank you.

Received: January 5, 2021

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Mary B.

Requesting prayer for my mother Patti, who is having emergency surgery today for a blockage. Please pray for the Lord's protection and healing, and for the success of the surgery. Thank you. UPDATE (1/5): Surgery was postponed until today. Please pray. Thank you!

Received: January 4, 2021

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UPDATE on Lisa A.: She is currently hospitalized, but is responding to treatment and improving. She requests continued prayer for her health and recovery. She also asks prayer for her grandson Connor, who was born with a physical abnormality requiring a cast for a time. Thank you.

Received: January 4, 2021

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Prayed for 4 times.


Thank you for your commitment to pray for women seriously considering abortion, their preborn babies, and the ongoing, life-saving work of the Church through CompassCare. Together, we are building a more pro-life, pro-family culture where everyone is protected and valued because they are made in the image of God.

Below are some prayer requests for the new year:

1. The nursing staff in Buffalo and Rochester. These women are on the front lines, pouring themselves out on behalf of women and their preborn babies. Please pray for [endurance, perseverance, compassion, grace]

2. The New York State Abortion Reduction Plan - a God-sized vision to expand CompassCare’s life-saving services to each abortion hub city in New York.

3. Wisdom and favor as CompassCare continues to press the lawsuit CompassCare v. Cuomo on behalf of all religious organizations in NY.

4. Increased patient load and softened hearts for the CompassCare nursing team to share the message of life and Gospel of truth with these women.

5. Fighting Spirit. One of the CompassCare’s core values that is best summarized as Holy Spirit inspired grit. The team is committed to fight for the lives of women and their preborn children, no matter what.

6. CompassCare patients who are experiencing greater than normal stress at home because of COVID and the continued uncertainty and instability.

Thank you again for praying!

Received: January 3, 2021

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Prayed for 4 times.

Phil Chavez

Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and blood pressure issues. Pray for excellent health, a long life, the removal of debt and possessions last a hundred times longer and become newer each day. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life regarding my uncle Seve.

Received: January 2, 2021

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Prayed for 4 times.


Please pray for my friend Nancy, a faithful servant of the Lord, who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Thank you.

Received: January 1, 2021

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Prayed for 4 times.


UPDATE: Fred Wagner's Mother (Mary) passed away. Please pray for God's grace and peace for Fred and the family, most of whom are Catholic. Thank you. 

Received: January 1, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


"Janice", a high school student who came to CompassCare accompanied by her younger sister, hasn't yet told her parents about the pregnancy. As for the father of the baby, she said, "I don't want to force him to do something he doesn't want to do by having the baby." After she saw her six-week-old child and heard the heartbeat, she admitted to feeling overwhelmed. Her nurse encouraged her to tell her parents about the pregnancy and seek support. Please pray for Janice and her family to regard the life of this child as valuable, no matter what. --------- "Gina" came to CompassCare intent on getting an abortion. She went through fertility treatments earlier this year and lost her baby through miscarriage. "I want to get an abortion so I don't go through that again," she told her nurse. Gina was stoic and unemotional through the entire appointment, not looking at the ultrasound screen during the exam. When her nurse shared the gospel with her, she said, "I don't believe that way." When asked how she felt about her pregnancy at the end of the appointment, she said she didn't feel any different than she had and plans to connect with her OB to get help getting an abortion. She declined making another appointment. Please pray for Gina's heart to be softened. Pray the Lord shows her a path for healing from her past sorrows and illuminates a hopeful way forward. --------- "Angela" has known she is pregnant for a month and feels getting an abortion is her only choice. The father of the baby has been physically abusive to her and she recently obtained a restraining order against him. "I have to get an abortion to protect myself and the baby," she told her nurse. She explained she feels she could successfully parent her child alone, but she does not want to have any connection to the father of the baby. Terminating her pregnancy seems to be the only sure escape. As her nurse reviewed information on abortion, Angela became tearful. When asked how she feels about abortion, she said, "I think God would be disappointed but I want a clean start by getting rid of this pregnancy...I want direction from God but I don't know how to hear from God." Her nurse prayed with her in that moment. Angela then agreed it would be good to take a week to consider her decision and come back for another appointment. Please pray for Angela's heart and mind to be awakened to the reality of God's presence and care for her. Pray she is brought out of hopelessness into hope. UPDATE: "Angela" returned for a second appointment saying she had decided to get an abortion. She discussed her decision with her older daughter and they agreed it was the best decision for her safety. She has not sought other supports. "I talked to God about it," Angela explained. "This is the best option to put distance between me and the father." During the ultrasound, an abnormality was detected. Her nurse recommended she follow up with an OB before proceeding with an abortion. She's currently 9 weeks pregnant. Please pray for Angela to stop and reconsider her decision. Pray God would use others in her life to speak truth and encourage her. --------- "Tracy" is raising two children and struggling with diabetes. She says she needs to get an abortion. She had no emotional reaction to seeing her nine-week-old baby on ultrasound. She allowed her nurse to pray for her at the end of the appointment but was not receptive to the gospel. Recent communication indicates she is actively seeking an abortion.

Please pray for Tracy's health, heart and mind. Pray she does not move forward with her intention to get an abortion. --------- "Sharese" has multiple children ranging in age from teenagers to newborn. She has never had an abortion, but feels this is what she wants to do. She is still breastfeeding and has plans to go back to school. She said adding another child would just be too much. Both Sharese and her husband stared at the image of their 7 week old baby and seemed upset when they heard the heartbeat. Regardless after the ultrasound, Sharese said she was standing by her decision to get an abortion. When the nurse discussed the risks of having an abortion, she became upset and said she was leaving. She and her husband walked out of the exam room. Sharese had shared with the nurse earlier in the appointment that she had relied on God for strength during the COVID pandemic. Please pray that God would speak to Sharese and her husband and soften their hearts toward their baby. Pray that the message of Christmas would remind them that God is with them to help them face this challenge. --------- "Ava"'s grandmother, who is strongly pro-life, brought her to CompassCare. Ava said she was willing to come for her grandma's sake but didn't want her in the appointment. She told the nurse she already has an abortion scheduled on her own birthday. "I always wanted kids, but this probably isn't my boyfriend's baby. I cheated recently," she explained. She considers herself spiritual and said she would consider faith in Jesus, but hasn't liked getting Christianity pushed on her by her grandmother. When she saw the fetal heart beat, she said, "That's awesome. It's not a blob of cells like my mom said it would be." Please pray for Ava to make a firm decision to continue this pregnancy. She has opposing pressures in her life to either keep or abort the baby from multiple family members. Pray she bonds with her baby and decides to protect him. --------- UPDATE on "Lily": She is vacillating about her decision to keep or abort her child. She recently texted her MotherCare mentor saying she was going to keep the baby. However, she came for another appointment at CompassCare and told her nurse she is undecided and still has strong feelings about severing all ties with the father of the baby, including the baby himself. Her MotherCare mentor was with her, having provided transportation, and a connection between the two of them was evident. When Lily had an ultrasound, she was awestruck as she observed the arms and legs of her baby moving on the screen. "Could I get some prenatal vitamins?" she asked. Before she left she said she would take time to ask God for clarity.

Please pray for Lily and her MotherCare mentor. Pray God graces Lily with the conviction and strength to continue her pregnancy and her mentor with wisdom for this relationship.

Received: January 1, 2021

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This prayer wall is for attendees of Koinonia Fellowship only. If you do not attend please refrain from submitting a prayer request and instead talk to the leadership in your local church. Once your prayer request is received, we will screen it and post as we see is appropriate. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!