This prayer wall is intended for attendees of Koinonia Fellowship in East Rochester, NY only.

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This prayer wall is for attendees of Koinonia Fellowship only. If you do not attend please refrain from submitting a prayer request and instead talk to the leadership in your local church. Once your prayer request is received, we will screen it and post as we see is appropriate. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

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Prayed for 3 times.


Morgan is raising a toddler and recently found out she's pregnant. She quit her job to take care of her first child and the father of the baby is also unemployed. In the past, she struggled with substance abuse but has been clean recently. She wants more children but is not sure this is the right time. "I've always been against abortion," she said, "but I want to be able to give my time and attention to my firstborn." When she and her fiancée saw their nine-week-old baby on the ultrasound screen and heard the heartbeat, they both paused and agreed they needed more time to think. They allowed the nurse to pray with them for God to give them direction and peace. Please pray God would give this couple the courage to trust Him and choose to have this baby. . . . . . . .Please also pray for Rhonda who is in her early twenties and considering abortion. She was not eager to talk about her situation, only saying that she feels she is too young to parent a child. She came with a friend and would not allow the father of the baby to come with her because he wants her to carry to term. Rhonda's ultrasound revealed a seven-week-old baby with a heartbeat. When asked what she thought, she said, "It is difficult." When her nurse began to talk about God, she said she does not have a faith background. She was not receptive to the gospel but allowed her nurse to pray for her. She thanked her nurse and scheduled a return appointment. Please pray for Rhonda's heart to be softened towards her baby and for the seeds of the gospel to take root in her heart. . . . .

Camilla recently discovered she is pregnant again. With a struggling marriage, a baby, and the symptoms of early pregnancy, she was feeling overwhelmed. She talked to her friends who encouraged her to get an abortion. Camilla went to an abortionist who provided her with the two-pill combination necessary to end her pregnancy. Camilla took the first pill and was instructed to take the other within 48 hours. The next day, however, she deeply regretted her decision to get an abortion. She found out about abortion pill reversal online. At first she thought it would be impossible, but she called CompassCare and spoke with an nurse who encouraged her to come in. She and her husband got in the car right away and made a 90 minute drive to CompassCare, hoping to save their baby. Thankfully an ultrasound revealed the baby had survived the first abortion pill and her nurse was able to begin pregnancy sustaining progesterone therapy. Camilla said she regretted her decision to abort because of her faith in Jesus Christ. She said she wants to surrender to His will and trust Him with her future. Please pray for Camilla, her husband, and her baby in the coming days as she continues progesterone therapy. Pray for God to continue working miracles in their lives.

Received: February 14, 2021

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Prayed for 4 times.


"Minnie" came to CompassCare distraught by her recent positive pregnancy test. She is in college and doesn't feel ready to have a child. Her nurse performed an ultrasound exam but could not confirm viability or the gestational age of the baby. Minnie shed many tears but was unable to articulate what she was thinking or feeling, only saying she is overwhelmed. She said she was considering abortion but didn't want to discuss it. She scheduled a return appointment in two weeks. Please pray for Minnie to be able to think clearly in the coming days. Pray for her to have confidence about continuing this pregnancy. -------- UPDATE: Please continue to pray for "Tina". She returned for test results and told her nurse she is standing by her decision to get an abortion. She refused another ultrasound saying, "I've made up my mind. I have five kids and can't handle any more." This would be her third abortion. She was not receptive to further conversation. She requested no further follow-up from CompassCare. Please pray for God to intervene in Tina's life to spare her the pain of another abortion.

Received: February 12, 2021

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Prayed for 3 times.

Mary Ellen

Please pray for wisdom and solutions for my mom's pain. Hip and leg surgery area still painful. Intense, throbbing pain in her hands due to severe carpal tunnel and arthritis. She got cortisone shots in her hands yesterday.

Received: February 12, 2021

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Prayed for 3 times.


"Val" finds herself pregnant after fourteen years of infertility. "I thought I would never have children," she said. Her husband is older than she and disabled. She gave a litany of reasons she felt she could not raise a child. She went to Planned Parenthood to get an abortion but left the facility feeling "empty" and and uncared for. She saw an ad for CompassCare and made an appointment right away. When Val saw her baby during the ultrasound, she said she felt she had to continue her pregnancy. Her nurse shared the gospel with her and she commented that she'd been having a lot of conversations about God lately. She agreed to return next week. Please pray for Val and her husband to resolve together to cherish and protect the life of their child. -------- "Callie" is a married woman raising two young children. When explaining her desire to get an abortion, she said, "I could have this baby, but I don't want to." She has an appointment to get an abortion at Planned Parenthood next week. After seeing her baby on the ultrasound screen, she seemed tense. She seemed concerned when she learned about mental health risks associated with abortion because she currently struggles with anxiety. However, she reaffirmed her determination to get an abortion and said, "It's just the size of a pea, so I won't go to hell or anything." Her nurse shared the gospel with her, to which she had little reaction. She did allow her nurse to pray for her. She made a return appointment at CompassCare just in case she decides not to keep her abortion appointment next week. Please pray for Callie's heart to be softened towards her child and for her to cancel her abortion appointment. -------- "Jen" is raising four children, including an infant. She came to CompassCare for a pregnancy test. Seeing the positive result left her dismayed. Her ultrasound revealed an eight-week-old baby. She asked for information about abortion. When going over the brochure, Jen admitted to being afraid. "I never considered getting an abortion before, even when I got pregnant as a teenager." She told her nurse she is a Christian and said she believes God can work in impossible circumstances. Please pray for Jen to search her heart and identify her true feelings about this pregnancy. Pray God would give her the courage to continue this pregnancy.

Received: February 10, 2021

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Prayed for 3 times.


"Tia" is a young woman who drove to CompassCare from Seneca County. Her boyfriend has been pressuring her to get an abortion but she could not get an appointment at an abortionist near her. At first, she said she thinks getting an abortion is her best choice. During her ultrasound, which revealed a seven-week-old baby, it became apparent that she feels conflicted. She said, "It has a heartbeat...I would be killing my baby." She went on to say her mother would support her in continuing her pregnancy. She said she needs to take time to listen to her heart and plans to return next week. Please pray for Tia to have the strength to resist pressure from her boyfriend and for her to have peace about continuing her pregnancy. --------- "Connie" is raising a teenager and toddler twins. She is pregnant and told her nurse she does not want to have an ongoing relationship with the father of the baby. Her ultrasound revealed a seven-week-old baby with a strong heart beat. When asked what she was thinking, she said, "I'm relieved I'm still early enough for the pill." She went on to say she would continue the pregnancy if she were already further along (more than ten weeks gestation) and would place the child in an adoptive family. Her nurse gave her information on adoption and shared the gospel with her. Connie prayed to surrender her life to Christ and agreed to return next week. Please pray for God to work in Connie's heart, transforming her from the inside out. Pray she pursues Christ and gains the strength and conviction to continue her pregnancy. -------- "Tina" is raising five children and working full time without anyone to share the responsibilities of parenting. She is not in a relationship with the father of the baby and hasn't told anyone she's pregnant. "I'm juggling too much," she told her nurse. "I can't have another child." She's considering getting an abortion, but admitted she has had two in the past and feels hesitant about getting a third abortion. During the ultrasound, she refused to look at her seven-week-old baby or take the printed picture. "I just don't want to," she said. She was reticent throughout the rest of the appointment but agreed to come back for another appointment next week after she has taken more time to contemplate her decision. Please pray for Tina to break the silence and reach out to others who could support her. Please pray God gives her the strength and confidence she needs to continue her pregnancy. -------- "Carmen" is a single mother working full time to support her four children. She was tearful throughout the appointment, saying the father of the baby wants her to get an abortion. "He's no help," she said. When she saw her thirteen-week-old baby on the ultrasound screen, she shed more tears, surprised at how active he was. She continued to cry, sharing her thoughts openly. "I feel like my only option is to abort...but I know it's killing a life. I could be ending the life of someone who may do something really great in this world...and there are people who can't have kids..." When her nurse shared the gospel with her, she said she has a relationship with God and allowed her nurse to pray with her. Please pray for Carmen as she processes her decision in the coming days. Please also pray for her nurse to be used in a powerful way at her return appointment this week.

Received: February 8, 2021

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Prayed for 3 times.

Mary B.

Please pray for my mother Patti, who is having surgery today to remove the urinary stent, and may possibly be sent home afterwards. Please pray for the Lord's protection and that she would get the care she needs. Thank you!

Received: February 5, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


"Francis" is raising toddler twins and is unwilling to continue her current pregnancy. She lacks support from the father of the baby, who is also the father of her other children. She recently finished college and is looking for a job. Her pregnancy was too early to confirm. Although her nurse informed her of the risks associated with abortion, she plans to "get it done and over with" without returning for another appointment to confirm her pregnancy. She has had an abortion in the past. When asked about her spirituality, she said she has no faith background. "That doesn't play into this," she said. "My mind is made up." She did agree to follow up calls, but reiterated several times, "My mind is made up." Please pray for Francis's heart to be softened and for God to rightly align her to Himself. Pray for her nurse to have wisdom and grace as she follows up. -------- "Shalom" struggled to communicate at her appointment due to a language barrier. She was soft-spoken and unemotional, explaining she plans to get an abortion and the father of the baby is in Africa. She had little to no response to the ultrasound and did not consent to a return appointment. "I am a Christian," she said. "I'm going to get an abortion." Please pray for Shalom to turn to God and receive grace and strength to continue her pregnancy.

Received: February 5, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Kathy B.

Please pray for my great-nephew Aidan, who is twelve years and is sick with Covid. He is home, so please pray also for the health of his parents and two siblings. And pray for my neighbor's friend Diane, who recovered from Covid, but is still in bad shape with multiple health issues. Thank you.

Received: February 5, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


UPDATE: Linda H's step sister Sharon has passed away. Please pray for God's presence and grace, and travel mercies, as the family gathers this weekend in Erie. Pray for His peace and strength for Linda, and for any unsaved family members to be open to the Gospel. Thank you!

Received: February 4, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


"Luna" traveled from Syracuse to come to CompassCare. She is raising one child and feels conflicted about her current pregnancy. Although the father of the baby wants her to continue the pregnancy, she has not been with him for very long and feels overwhelmed when she thinks of a second child. After the ultrasound, she said she felt excited and declined information about abortion procedures and risks. She accepted Christ after hearing the gospel, but still seemed conflicted. Luna did not make it to her second appointment because she totaled her car in a recent accident. She said she wouldn't be able to make it back to CompassCare and she plans to get an abortion. However, she is 13 weeks pregnant and there are no abortionists in Syracuse who perform abortions at that point in gestation. Please pray for God to intervene in Luna's life, speaking to her in a way only He can. Pray for the seeds of the gospel to take root, grow and flourish in her life. -------- "Wendy" recently had a baby and is pregnant again. Although she enjoyed her pregnancy and loves being a mom, she feels it is too soon to have another baby. She is no longer involved with the father of the baby, but her current partner doesn't object to her continuing the pregnancy. "I don't think that's fair to him," she said. "But I feel like there is a good angel and a bad angel pulling on me...I never thought I would consider abortion." Wendy shed tears when she saw her eight-week-old baby on the ultrasound screen. She was shocked when she saw her due date is the same as her first child's. "I grew up in church..." she said. "I believe in God." Her nurse prayed with her that God would give her direction and she would trust Him with her situation. Please pray that Wendy would obey the conviction of the Holy Spirit and have the strength to continue her pregnancy. -------- "Maria" came to CompassCare saying she plans to get an abortion, but she seemed unsettled and conflicted about her decision. When her nurse presented the gospel, she surrendered her life to Christ. Please pray she takes time to pursue Christ and seek His will for her pregnancy and future.

Received: February 4, 2021

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This prayer wall is for attendees of Koinonia Fellowship only. If you do not attend please refrain from submitting a prayer request and instead talk to the leadership in your local church. Once your prayer request is received, we will screen it and post as we see is appropriate. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!