This prayer wall is intended for attendees of Koinonia Fellowship in East Rochester, NY only.

Enter your prayer request below or email All requests are reviewed and may be edited before posting. You can also call the church office at (585) 385-0450 Mon-Fri 9-3 if you would like to speak with someone.

This prayer wall is for attendees of Koinonia Fellowship only. If you do not attend please refrain from submitting a prayer request and instead talk to the leadership in your local church. Once your prayer request is received, we will screen it and post as we see is appropriate. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Tom Schaefer

Update: Good News! The cancer has not spread to the rest of my body! (metastasized). PTL! I will be seeking further treatment! Thank You! Saints! All the Glory goes to the Lord Jesus Christ!

Received: March 16, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.

Tom Chiavetta

Please pray for my wife, Maureen, as she's having a bout with a gastro-intestinal illness.

Thank you.


Received: March 15, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


"Nadine" came to CompassCare with her preschool-aged daughter. Although Nadine was initially planning to carry her pregnancy to term and her daughter is aware of the pregnancy, she said something has changed her mind and she is considering abortion. She was unwilling to share what is driving that decision. Her ultrasound exam revealed a fifteen-week-old baby. She commented that it was hard to hear the heartbeat. She wanted to know if the baby looked healthy and asked about the gender. When going over abortion information, she read the pamphlet out loud and expressed surprise about the risks associated with surgical abortion. She listened to the gospel presented and allowed her nurse to pray for her. Please pray for Nadine and both of her children, especially for her preborn child at risk for abortion. Pray for God to reveal Himself to Nadine and lead her in truth and grace. -------- "Aria" came to CompassCare considering abortion. Although the father of the baby wants her to continue the pregnancy, she said, "I have a lot going on. Now does not seem like a good time to start raising a child."

She went on to say she has not told anyone but the father about the baby, and she thinks she should terminate based on her assessment that her health conditions would lead to a high risk pregnancy. Her pregnancy was too early to confirm so she plans to return for a second appointment. Please pray for Aria's steps to be ordered by the Lord and for Him to use this pregnancy to reorient her towards Himself. -------- UPDATE: Thank you for praying for "Lily", who came to CompassCare in late November suffering from hyperemesis in the early stages of pregnancy. She felt physically debilitated and hopeless. On top of her physical struggles, she had just left her abusive partner and was worried her pregnancy with his child would prevent her from moving on with her life. At her first appointment, she surrendered her life to Christ and agreed to be put in contact with a MotherCare volunteer. Over the next several weeks, Lily vacillated constantly about whether she would get an abortion or continue her pregnancy. Her MotherCare mentor remained engaged and available to talk and help Lily in practical ways, including driving a distance to pick her up and bring her to her second appointment at CompassCare. After being hospitalized for her extreme nausea, Lily scheduled an abortion appointment, and we again asked for prayer on her behalf. About a month later, she returned to CompassCare, still pregnant, with her MotherCare mentor accompanying her. She was amazed to see her developing baby again on the ultrasound screen. Still, she expressed doubts about continuing. Again God's people prayed. Since that appointment in late December, Lily has resolved to continue her pregnancy and is feeling better physically. She has no support from the father of the baby, but has grown a meaningful relationship with her MotherCare mentor, which has made a significant difference in her confidence about keeping this child. While Lily does not yet feel comfortable coming to church on a Sunday morning, she has been attending a small Bible study with her mentor. Her mentor has also transported Lily's older child to youth group. It is evident that God has done a good work in Lily's life through God's people on mission! Thank you for praying!

Received: March 15, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Dan S.

Dan S. - Praise report update on my sister Sharon from SC. To God be the Glory! Amen and Amen. Recall, suffering from COVID, she was in the ED when her heart stopped? God's timing is always perfect! She was resuscitated, received a negative report on her heart catheterization, had a defib device installed as a future precaution, released from the hospital, is home and has no more COVID infection, and has a wonderful testimony that she has begun sharing with her friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Thank you saints for praying for my sister. To God be the Glory! Amen and amen. God bless you all!

Received: March 15, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


Thank you for faithfully prayer for my brother. He survived all the surguries and is now off the ventilator and breathing on his own! God is so good! They have taken him off a few medications and weaning him from one more, and he no longer has to take Coumadin because he has a bovine valve instead of mechanical. We are not out of the woods yet; he comes home in another week, which is a miracle! Our Lord is faithful in so many things. Our entire family thanks you for praying!

Received: March 14, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


From Anonymous: Please pray for my son in law Dan H. He is verbally abusive to my daughter Heidi and my grandchildren Zoe and John. My heart is breaking. I am praying but he needs more prayer. Please continue to pray for my son TJ he has severe depression.

Received: March 14, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


Update on Makhi: Please pray he gains weight so that they can begin the process of trach removal. His weight is still 15 lbs at 3 years old. He is a gift.

Received: March 14, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

rick j

Please pray that the Lord would stay close to my believing friend Steve. He had major emergency surgery while in poor health already. There is intense pain and fear. Dear Lord give him exactly what he needs.

Received: March 13, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Linda G.

Please pray for my cousin's husband (Grant), who blacked out yesterday and fell off a ladder. The doctors determined he has a blockage in an artery and they are discussing possible treatments. They live in Louisiana and have a Catholic background. Please pray for both his physical and spiritual health. Thank you.

Received: March 12, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


"Rena" is raising a child and finds herself pregnant. She came to CompassCare saying she needed to get an abortion. She had weight loss surgery and has not yet completed the two years recommended before getting pregnant after the procedure. Her pregnancy was too early to confirm. When asked for her thoughts after the ultrasound, she said she was "indifferent." However, when she and her nurse began discussing abortion information, she started to cry. "I'm pro-choice, but this isn't the baby's fault," she said through tears. When her nurse shared the gospel with her, Rena decided to surrender her life to Christ. She also agreed to a return appointment next week. Please pray for Rena's relationship with Christ to grow. Pray for Rena's baby to be protected from abortion and for Rena to connect with pro-life medical professionals to oversee her pregnancy. -------- "Marla" came to CompassCare recently for pregnancy confirmation and STI testing. When she returned for test results, she said she had decided her best option was to get an abortion. "I know it's sad," she said, "But I don't want to bring a child into the same environment I was raised in." Her grandmother, school counselor, and various teachers she has consulted all support her decision to get an abortion. "I want to graduate and go to college. I don't want anything to interfere." Marla declined getting a repeat ultrasound, saying she has the picture from last week. "It's emotional," she said, "But nothing will change my mind." Please pray for God to save the life of Marla's child and set Marla on a redemptive path. Pray for Christians around her to speak life into her situation. -------- "Francene" came to CompassCare for pregnancy confirmation and to determine the gestational age of her child. The ultrasound revealed a five-week-old baby, but no a heartbeat was able to be detected at this point. Francene has had three or four abortions in the past; she isn't sure how many. She just ended a four year relationship with an abusive man and has a restraining order in effect. She is fearful of the possibility that he could get involved in her life again if she continues her pregnancy with his child. However, she became tearful when discussing getting another abortion. "I can't do that again." When her nurse asked her if she felt she could reach out to God and ask Him for help, Francene said she felt unworthy of His involvement in her life after all she's done. Her nurse shared the grace and truth of the gospel with her. She agreed to take time to consider all they discussed. Please pray for Francene to be set free from the cycles of pain and despair she has lived in. Pray for her and her child to have a hope and a future in Christ.

Received: March 11, 2021

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This prayer wall is for attendees of Koinonia Fellowship only. If you do not attend please refrain from submitting a prayer request and instead talk to the leadership in your local church. Once your prayer request is received, we will screen it and post as we see is appropriate. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!