This prayer wall is intended for attendees of Koinonia Fellowship in East Rochester, NY only.

Enter your prayer request below or email All requests are reviewed and may be edited before posting. You can also call the church office at (585) 385-0450 Mon-Fri 9-3 if you would like to speak with someone.

This prayer wall is for attendees of Koinonia Fellowship only. If you do not attend please refrain from submitting a prayer request and instead talk to the leadership in your local church. Once your prayer request is received, we will screen it and post as we see is appropriate. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


Please pray for my healing. My health is declining rapidly. Trusting in the Lord and not my own understanding for all things. His will be done.

Thank you

Received: September 11, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


"Holly" is a single mom of two children struggling to make ends meet. She was recently incarcerated but has been working hard to get her life back on track. Holly was shocked to learn she's pregnant and feels she lacks the support and finances necessary to have another child at this time. Her boyfriend would like her to continue her pregnancy and is excited about it. The ultrasound revealed a 7-week-old baby and Holly heard his heartbeat. She admitted this made it seem "more real" and she is wrestling with her decision to get an abortion. Holly confessed she knows abortion is wrong in God's eyes, but wonders if He really understands how much she struggles. Her nurse was able to pray with her about her difficult life situation and Holly agreed to return for a follow-up visit. Please pray God would reveal Himself to Holly in a powerful way. Pray she will grasp how much He loves her and cares about her struggles. Pray she bonds with her preborn baby and spares his life. ------- "Cara" is 12 weeks pregnant. Cara's sister is a currently pregnant, past patient which is how she knew about CompassCare. Cara shared that her boyfriend is pressuring her to get an abortion. Cara showed no emotion during the ultrasound and was very quiet throughout the appointment. She admitted growing up in church, but stated flatly faith has no bearing on what she is going through right now. Pray Cara will return for her follow-up appointment. Pray her sister will be a positive influence and advocate for Cara's baby. Pray the father of the baby will have a change of heart and support her in carrying to term. ------ "Lissy" came to CompassCare conflicted about her pregnancy. She works with children and definitely wants to have kids "someday" but feels "the timing is not now." Lissy has not yet told her parents and her boyfriend does not support her decision to have an abortion. Lissy's pregnancy was too early to be confirmed, but she was very emotional throughout the entire appointment. When her nurse shared Jesus and the good news of the gospel, Lissy surrendered her life to Christ. Please pray Lissy will look to God for wisdom and strength. Pray she returns for her follow-up appointment and sees a way forward to having her baby. ------- "Margaret", a married woman who is pregnant and having an affair, came to CompassCare seeking abortion information. She is not sure who the father of her baby is and also fears knowledge of the affair will end her marriage. Margaret feels she must hide her pregnancy from her husband and have an abortion. After the ultrasound, Margaret admitted to her nurse that she "didn't know what to do." After gently talking through all of the options, her nurse shared about how God alone can give her peace. Margaret listened but simply said, "I'm not religious." She declined to pray for salvation or schedule a follow-up appointment. Please pray Margaret has the courage to talk to her husband and they decide to continue the pregnancy. Pray God will intervene on behalf of this child.

Received: September 10, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


"Terry" is pregnant with her second child. Her first child is growing up without a father, just like she did, and the thought of continuing this pattern scares her. Terry has been involved with more than one man and is unsure who the father might be. She has shared the news with all of them, but no one has stepped up to offer support. Her family has convinced her an abortion is her best choice and she has one scheduled this week. During the ultrasound, Terry asked a lot of questions regarding the date of conception and admits that paternity is one of her biggest concerns. Terry regrets becoming pregnant and feels God is now punishing her. She wishes He would just tell her what to do. Terry's nurse shared about God's great love for her and her baby and encouraged her to reconnect with her MotherCare mentor. Please pray Terry will stop listening to the negative opinions of her family and friends. Pray she will experience God's great love and be assured of His will - to spare the life of her precious child. Pray she will seek the support and counsel of her mentor.

Received: September 9, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.

Sue G.

Please pray for Stephen, my granddaughter's other grandfather, who has been diagnosed with a rapidly growing brain tumor. He was a Catholic who converted to Islam many years ago. Please pray for his salvation, and that of his whole family. Thank you.

Received: September 9, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.

Kathleen A Langer-Nawrocki

Please pray for Dave Schumacher who has Covid. Today he is having some difficulty breathing and would love your prayers for a full recovery...

Received: September 9, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.

Jose Mir

Praise report- want to thank my brothers and sisters for your prayers and support. My symptoms have greatly improved and was able to go to church yesterday! What a blessing! Please pray for continued improvement of my condition and wisdom for my doctors regarding treatment of my spinal condition. Thank you saints!

Received: September 9, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


"Cali" and her boyfriend have been to CompassCare for two appointments but remain firm in their decision to pursue abortion. They are young, have a lot going on and don't feel ready to have a child right now. They want everything to be "perfect" before having a baby. After the ultrasound, when asked how she was feeling Cali confessed, "I feel selfish to reject God's gift of a baby." Both Cali and her boyfriend believe in God and profess to be Christians. They have been praying about their situation. Cali agreed to return to CompassCare for a third appointment. Please pray the Holy Spirit will intervene powerfully and stop them from taking their baby's life. Pray they return again to have another ultrasound and talk things through. -------- "Moriah" is a mother of a toddler who came to CompassCare to confirm her pregnancy. She told her nurse, "I knew I was pregnant but I don't want to be." Her last pregnancy was very difficult and she is afraid to go through that again. The father of her baby is a long-time friend and she has not told him about the pregnancy yet. After seeing her 6-week-old baby on the ultrasound screen, Moriah said, "It's sad, I don't want to talk about it." When her nurse gently asked her to explain why, Moriah shut down and would not say any more. Moriah plans to pursue a chemical abortion. Please pray she will take time to think through her feelings and reconsider her decision. Pray Moriah will return for her follow-up appointment and be open up with her nurse. --------- "Shannon" is a single mom who is overwhelmed with caring for her autistic child. Her biggest concern is neglecting a new baby because of the time needed to care for a special needs child. Shannon has not yet told the father of the baby, but has the full support of her sister, who was present at her appointment, to abort. Shannon's ultrasound revealed a 7-week-old baby with a strong heartbeat. While her mind is made up, Shannon admitted making a chart of "pros and cons." When her nurse asked what the cons to abortion were, she simply replied, "God." Shannon grew up in a Christian home and knows abortion is wrong. However, her life makes it seem impossible to have her baby. Shannon was open to hearing the gospel message and for prayer, but wasn't ready to surrender her life to Christ stating, "I have to get my life in order first." Pray God will use this opportunity to speak grace and mercy into Shannon's life. Pray she will see her urgent need for a Savior right now and turn to Him for strength and courage. Pray she returns for her follow-up appointment. ------- "Morgan" is a young college student who recently became pregnant. She has worked hard to get to where she is and having a baby is not part of her plan right now. She admits this sounds "harsh" but doesn't want a pregnancy to interfere with her studies. The father of the baby is younger than Morgan and supports her decision to get an abortion. Morgan was accompanied by her mother who will support whatever decision she thinks is best. Throughout the ultrasound Morgan remained very quiet and showed little emotional response. She admits to being a Christian but difficult situations in her life have caused her to question her faith. Please pray the Lord will give Morgan courage. Pray her family will provide the support she needs to continue college and have a baby. Pray God will protect her preborn baby.

Received: September 8, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Pastor Dom Danesi

Rescue & Revive Ministries: Please pray for our upcoming crusade to Ohio, Kentucky, and W. Virginia. The prayer team goes September 9th (tomorrow) to 12th; evangelism teams go out September 15 to 19th. We are taking the gospel to the colleges and the marketplace.

Received: September 8, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.

Pastor Tony

Please pray for Michael R., who has a very painful, chronic nerve condition, for which the doctors have no treatment. UPDATES: Both Don & Ava are now home on treatments for their illnesses. Both are very fatigued and following their physicians’ orders. Ava has pneumonia and is on meds and specific breathing exercises. She mentioned how blessed they are because several saints from Koinonia brought them much needed groceries, daily items that they needed! They both truly appreciated all the prayers continuing for their health, safety and recovery. ------- Tom Chiavetta is still in the hospital recovering from his second spinal surgery and receiving 3 hrs of PT daily, and doctors are hopeful for a full recovery. He & wife Maureen are very grateful for the prayer support. ------- Mike Grabowski is scheduled for colostomy surgery today. Let's pray for a good surgical outcome and for the long adjustment period to follow. ------- Steve Hollis continues to get stronger each day. His large bed sore is slowly healing and he is now is able to walk upright (despite right leg/foot weakness) using a walker and assistance. Wife Julie has been able to take him by car to an appointment and for a family meal outside, and they're hopeful he may be able to return home by the end of this month. PTL! Keep praying! ------ Jose Mir also continues to improve (spinal condition), and he hopes to be able to return to church service this week.

Received: September 8, 2021

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.

Bonnie C.

UPDATE: Dear Koinonia family, my great grandson MacLaine is now in Saudi Arabia waiting for orders to either fly to Germany or possibly back to the United States. Thank you for your continued prayers for his safety and for the safety of all US service personnel.

Received: September 8, 2021

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This prayer wall is for attendees of Koinonia Fellowship only. If you do not attend please refrain from submitting a prayer request and instead talk to the leadership in your local church. Once your prayer request is received, we will screen it and post as we see is appropriate. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!