The first Men’s Meal of the year will be held at Koinonia on Friday, February 7. All men of Koinonia age 12 and up are invited. Paul Fioravanti will be doing the cooking and Mike Brown will be sharing a message.  There is no cost, but please sign up below.

We will also take the opportunity to get everyone up to speed with our plans for the year and give you a chance to share your ideas about how the Men’s Ministry can best serve your needs and glorify God.

One of the things we plan to do is to embark together on a year-long study of the book – The Making of a Man of God – Lessons from the Life of David, by Alan Redpath, seeking to learn from a man who was utterly human but reached for the divine.  

We are also exploring having an overnight Men’s Retreat on April 11-12.  Save the date!