Growth Groups are close-knit gatherings that usually meet in people’s homes.  They provide the perfect place to pray with and for others, study the Bible and grow in our faith. Please contact the Growth Group leader ahead of time to confirm date and location.

Home Bible Studies

Adult Bible Study

1st and 3rd Thursdays, 10:30am
Agape Hall at Koinonia
Contact: Jack and Jan Slocum

Family Bible Study

2nd and 4th Fridays, 7:30 PM
Bauliah Home in Pittsford
Led by Bob Falkowitz
Contact: Andrew & Amrita Bauliah

Family Connect

2nd and 4th Fridays, 7:00 pm
Buchiere’s Home in Irondequoit
Contact: Mary & Paul Buchiere

Prayer Groups

Prayer and Praise

Tuesdays, 7:00 PM
Prayer Room, Koinonia
Contact: Mike Simunek

Special Interest Groups

These short-term groups are formed for the purpose of studying a book or topic in depth.

Singles Group

We meet periodically for social events and service projects.
Contact: Tony Levatino

Interested in Hosting / Leading / Teaching a Growth Group?

If the Lord puts it on your heart to host, lead or teach a Growth Group, please contact the church office (585-385-0450,