On Sunday, February 9, elders Frank Carbone and Dan Ocorr presented Koinonia’s 2024 Financial Report to the flock. We do this every year, part of the leadership’s commitment to transparency and accountability in all things.

Our finances are strong, by God’s grace, as we finished the year with over $20,000 more tithes and offerings coming in than expenses going out. Most of our budget (63%) went towards salaries for pastors and staff, with roughly equal amounts (8-9%) spent on our church ministries, missions outside the church, expenses for the building itself and general expenses

In addition to the money in our “checking account”, we have been blessed through the years to be able to put money into an investment account. With the recent rise in the stock market, those investments now total almost $475,000.

We will always want to keep some funds in long-term savings in case of emergencies like damage to our roof or repair to our heating and air conditioning system. However, the elders are also seeking the Lord for how we can use that money to grow and reach more people with the life-saving gospel of Jesus Christ.

Here is our 2025 Directions to Foster Growth:

  • Invest in our people (pastors, staff and ministry leaders)
  • Invest in our ministries (creative programs and events that fulfill our mission)
  • Invest in our building (improve accessibility and add technology)

The elders opened the floor and gave everyone the opportunity to make suggestions for things we would like to see the church do with our long-term funds. One idea was to make the church more accessible for those who have difficulty managing the stairs. Investing in people with a vision to use our building as a community resource and provide outreach services—such as a daycare—for the village of East Rochester was also discussed.

What do you think? 

If you have any ideas about how we can bless the saints here and reach more people in the community, let a pastor or elder know.

Other ways that you can help:

  • Participate in a ministry, Growth Group, or Bible study
  • Invite unsaved friends to a worship service
  • Invite people to ministry events, Growth Groups, or Bible studies
  • Increase your financial investment in the ministry at Koinonia

Thank you saints for your faithful generosity. With your ongoing support, we look forward to another year of fruitful service to our King!