Category: Ministry & Missions


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  • Quench Not The Spirit
    The title of this post comes from 1 Thess 5:19. When I read that passage the other day, I ‘flashed’ on another verse, Gal 5:22, where we find that the fruit of God’s Spirit is love. When we act, think, or speak in an unloving fashion, the Holy Spirit is quenched. I never saw it […]
  • Caring Is God’s Will
    When Jesus told the story about the good Samaritan in Luke 10, it is written that he took care of the beaten individual. What a beautiful demonstration of God’s love! The follower of Jesus should be a caring person. Paul wrote that the Body of Christ should have the same care one for another. Many […]
  • The Crown Of Humility
    The first reference to humility in Scripture is found in Exodus 10:3 where the Lord, speaking through Moses, asks Pharaoh how long he would refuse to humble himself before God and let His people go. Basically, Pharaoh was stubbornly refusing to submit to God’s Word. The opposite of humility is pride, which is an anti-God […]
  • For Those Who Fail
    The Bible is full of episodes of godly men and women who have failed. Past failures can really do a number on your mind. Can you imagine how David felt when he sinned with Bathsheba and then implemented his ‘cover-up’ plan? How do you think the apostle Paul dealt with those times that he consented […]